{...whatever is pure...whatever is lovely...whatever is admirable...think about such things.} Philippians 4:8

Friday, February 8, 2013


Do you have a sister? Well, if you do, you know how much fun it is to grow up with a "partner in crime", a bff for all times, and someone who can take the blame for you when it should be yours, and someone who put the blame on you, when it should be theirs.
My sister Teka and I are 2 years and 3 months apart. I am sure I had a blast being an only child for those 2.3 years, but honestly I cannot remember my life without her. All my memories from when I was little have Teka in them.
Two of the best things we used to do as kids (this might be completely non sense to you, but it makes us laugh hysterically to this day) was pretend that we spoke a different language at the mall, we would carry on super long conversations with intense facial expressions to make everyone believe we were speaking Somethinese, lol it always worked! And we would play this game that we made up that one of us would start a song, and the other had to jump in with another song, then the first one who started had to stop singing and start another song. We did this for HOURS, especially in the long car trips when our parents were visiting different Salvation Army Corps on Sundays.

Mom and Dad, you deserve a crown just for tolerating this.
 20+ years later into our sisterhood journey I get to experience the joy of raising 2 little girls who are exactly 2 years and 3 months apart, what a coincidence! It fills my heart to see the love and deep affection that they already share for each other (specially big sister Julia).
 I cannot wait to watch and be part of the fun life they are going to share together, and my prayer is that as a mama I teach the best thing I could ever teach them, to love God with all their hearts.
Teka, thank you for making my life, THE LIFE. My journey would not have been the same without you. I love you my little sister!


Laurie said...

i love that...my best friend and i would do the same things

Judy Hartman said...

What a sweet post! Two very beautiful sisters, and now, two more!! Lovely photos!!

Tekinha said...

Te amo Sister!! This melts my heart :) Voce eh a mlehor Irma que Deus poderia me dar!!!