{...whatever is pure...whatever is lovely...whatever is admirable...think about such things.} Philippians 4:8

Saturday, February 26, 2011


For a long time I have been wanting to post some of my "art", and now Rafa helped put a little video together so I can finally share it with you! I make custom baby onesies and shirts, Newborn-4T, I've been inspired by my 5 month old daughter, and art created by small designers.

It's been fun, since I have Julia to help test my creation, and that loves posing for pictures!

They make great shower gifts, and it's certainly unique. I named this little collection "in love with your baby" because it's a reflection of my love for my baby, always making sure I create something for her that's special, fun, beautiful, but most important made with love!

For orders, please contact me by e-mail.


Julia has now her 2 bottom teeth! She is improving sounds and giggles like "ghghghghrrrr" and as a proud mama I want to shat this shot we finally got today =)

Friday, February 25, 2011


After finishing high school in 2004, I decided to dedicate 1 year of my life studying the Bible at The Word of Life Seminar in Brazil. It was a year full of surprises where I deepened my relationship with The Father, and was surrounded by Godly people.

Been born and raised in a solid Christian family certainly gave me roots and a solid christian foundation, but at that point of my life I had to seek The Lord and decide for a life commitment of "servant-master" of my own.

How little did I know the ways God would use His people to mold my heart! Shekinah (the name of our {#2005} class) is the English spelling of a grammatically feminine Hebrew language word that means "settling presence of God", boy did we feel His presence :)

I had many sisters-in-Christ that impacted my life throughout that year, sharing devotionals, homework, prayer requests, tears, laughs, and hard but true inspired words. Some days easier than others, but always assured of God's indescribable presence.

We have an e-mail-group that keep us updated of each others lives, prayer requests, praises and prayers of thanksgiving...it's amazing what our Heavenly Father do when we humble ourselves, seek Him, and open our hearts to Him, and others!

I thank God for you my sisters, and for your wiliness to Love the Lord, and share His love with me!!!

"Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another." Romans 12:10