{...whatever is pure...whatever is lovely...whatever is admirable...think about such things.} Philippians 4:8

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Valentine's day

My husband and I were thrilled in our way back home in that cold, cold night. We were sharing how God gave us such a nice getaway for Valentine”s weekend and how peaceful was to spend those days at the White Mountains in New Hampshire and how excited we were to experience skiing for the first time.

We had to do a pipi-stop (one more time), you know when you are pregnant you have to make many stops anywhere you are…lol, so I was on my way to the restroom and this young guy approached me asking for money to put gas in his car, he had his girlfriend and their baby in the back seat, and they were all freezing. Automatically I responded to him that I couldn’t help.

My husband and I took off and what happened in the gas station was bothering me, so we talked about and decided to go back hoping that the couple would still be there. They were!!! Wile Rafa was filling their tank I told them that we were doing that because of Jesus, because He loves them and cares for them!

They were soooooooo thankful! How came that Rafa and I were so happy and thankful for what God did for us but we almost missed the opportunity of sharing His love and care? Let’s pray that we’ll open our eyes and hearts to The Lord so we’ll share His love and do something, but let’s make sure that we ALWAYS tell that we do what we do because of Jesus!!!

“…for I was hungry and you gave Me food. I was thirsty and you gave Me drink. I was a stranger and you took Me in. I was naked and you clothed Me. I was sick and you visited me. I was in prison and you came to me.” “…as much as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.”
Matthew 25:35, 36, 40b

Dias dos namorados

Meu esposo e eu estávamos muito felizes e entusiasmados na volta pra casa numa noite muitooooo fria. A gente compartilhava como Deus nos deu um tempo tão gostoso e tranqüilo no feriado do dia dos namorados nas “White Mountains” no estado de New Hampshire, e o quanto estávamos empolgados por termos esquiado pela primeira vez.

Tivemos que fazer “mais uma parada” pra xixi, afinal grávida tem que fazer essas paradinhas várias vezes, e no caminho pro banheiro esse rapaz me parou e pediu dinheiro pra colocar gasolina no seu carro, aonde estavam sua namorada e seu bebê congelando de frio. Na hora minha reação foi dizer que não podia ajudá-lo.

Nós saímos de lá, mas o pedido daquele rapaz ficou me incomodando, então conversamos, e resolvemos voltar ao posto esperançosos de que o casal ainda estaria lá. E estavam!!! Enquanto o Rafa enchia o tanque do carro deles, eu compartilhei que estávamos fazendo isso por Jesus, porque Ele os ama e se importa com eles.

Eles ficaram muitoooooo agradecidos! E de pensar que o Rafa e eu estávamos tão felizes e agradecidos pelo tempo gostoso que Deus nos deu, e quase perdemos a oportunidade de compartilhar do Seu amor e cuidado? Vamos orar pra que a gente abra os nossos olhos e corações pra o Senhor, e assim compartilhemos do Seu amor e cuidado, sempre tendo a certeza de que deixamos explícito que fazemos o que fazemos por causa de Jesus.

“Porque tive fome, e destes-me de comer; tive sede, e destes-me de beber; era estrangeiro, e hospedastes-me.” “...Em verdade vos digo que quando o fizestes a um destes meus pequeninos irmãos, a mim o fizestes.”
Mateus 25:35, 36, 40b