Answer the question "What was the most fun motherhood experience you've had" the first 05 answers will win a "Sisters-by-heart" gift :)
Responda a pergunta "Qual a experiência mais divertida que você teve como mãe" as primeiras 05 respostas vão ganhar um "gift do Sisters-by-heart" :)
By now, it was to find out the I am pregnant! So surprising! One day you hear from a doctor: you can´t have babies...other day you hear from another doctor: you are pregnant! And everyday I hear from the Lord: I'm with you, just trust Me!
Miss you, Tu!
Well here is my anwser. Having four little girls and with my oldest been 14, it is hard to pin point one moment of my motherhood journey that was fun. I have a thousands memories of laughter and pride. I think I would have to say the funnest moments were those that were not planned, that is not to say game nights and tea parties were not enoyable, it is just hard to choose. Some of my funnest moments were the long walks we would take to no where special. Sometimes just before exhaustion would overcome us we would notice a sign we had seen a million times but this time it was kind of funny. We might even begin to notice that the shape of certain cars were quit odd and we would just talk and laugh and truly enjoy each others company. We would walk for miles but it would seem like just a few steps so we would just keep going. I remember one time on a long walk we raced the garbage man. We would laugh and run faster every time he had to stop. He soon realized that he was in the race and tried to beat us but we won. It might seem to some a shallow victory but to me and my girls it was like winning a great big trophy. We did it together because we are a team! So as I said I can not pick one moment but I do love the unexpected victories I get to share with me girls. In those fleeting moments I feel a happiness that is not easily matched. Somedays being a mom is not much fun but it is alway rewarding. I thank God everyday for my children even on the day I truely day dream about selling them on ebay LOL.
There are so many little fun & special moments. I'd say seeing her take some of her first steps into my arms, with a big smile on her face. Watching her play with her daddy and giggle the day away - to a mother that is some of the most precious & happy moments in life.
Sao muitas historias interessantes. Mas talvez a mais bizarra foi quando meu esposo chegou em casa e nossa filha mais velha, a Thais aos nove meses estava esperando por ele na porta. Dai ele a levantou e ela tinha mamado há pouco tempo e deu um arroto na direçao do nariz do pai. O problema foi que o arroto tinha cheiro de cocô. Ela havia comido seu proprio coco do peniquinho poucos minutos antes eu havia levado o maior susto quando a vi toda marronzinha brincando com seu peniquinho. rsrsrsrs A outra vez peguei a Thais com perninhas de barata secas no canto da boca num quarto de acampamento. Eram minutinhos em que ela escapava de nosso olhar e conseguia aprontar uma nova, como se esconder dentro da gaveta da geladeira, entrar dentro da maquina de lavar roupas, etc Mas ao mesmo tempo Thais sempre nos surpreendeu com muitos gestos de carinho, coraçao bondoso, e muita esperteza.
I've had so many special and fun moments with Gabriel since he was born (he is two and a half now) so it is so hard to choose only one, but I would say that playing with him at home, letting him do whatever he wants with me: walk on me, jump on me, ride on me as if I was a horse, roll with me on the floor or on our bed, laughing our heads off! and kissing him all over :-)
I believe that when you became a mom there are countless moments that are fun and specials. For example: watching their first steps, the mess that they do while eating their cheerios, their first words, and for my Bella was “mama”.
Of course, there are tough and challenging moments too, as the long nights without sleeping well because of a fussy baby that just got several shots, or the constant milky smell that one has because of the breastfeeding. Nevertheless, all of that is worth it. One day I was studying for a final exam from College. I was tired and feeling frustrated because I couldn’t manage my time as I wanted to. My time wasn’t just mine as it used to be when I didn’t have to worry about diapers, bottles, and so on. While studying from my Calculus book, cooking for my family, and doing some laundry, I cried my eyes out because I couldn’t understand anything I was “trying” to study. My 2 year-old daughter, Isabella, saw me crying. She went close to me, gave me a hug and told me: “It’s ok mommy, don’t cry, its ok.” Those words meant the world to me. Gave me the inspiration that I needed to continue my studies, but most important, made me realize that even though sometimes the journey of being a mom, it is demanding and involves sacrifice, it is still very rewarding and pleasant.
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